Artificial Star Field Analysis

During my time as enthused backyard stargazer, I learned to work with the 3-D render software POV-Ray. This is one of the earliest ray tracing program developed in the late eighties. Without a graphical user interface, I started to render virtual star fields. Sometime later I found a science software package provided by the ESO to enable astronomers to analyze celestial star pictures at home. I contacted Dr. Werner W. Zeilinger, an astrophysicist at the Institute of Astronomy of the University of Vienna, for help to analyze my virtual star fields with the ESO software package. As a result, I got three histograms showing the magnitude, ellipticity and the brightness range of the “stars” in one rendered virtual star field.
The fact of being able to make an analysis of the virtual starfield leads me to one claim. If the analysis of an observed, real star field and the analysis of a rendered, not real star field does not differ, then either the analyzing software is not ready for such requests, or my rendered virtual star fields must exist!


  • Different sizes | 2007