2.2 Hyperscanning: The Neural Basis of Human-Human Interaction and the Emergence of Shared Images

Research into human-human interaction and the resulting shared images has made significant progress in recent years. One particularly promising approach in this field is hyperscanning, which makes it possible to measure and analyse the brain activity of several people simultaneously. This essay explores the various aspects and findings from hyperscanning research and related fields that contribute to the emergence of shared imagery in social interactions.

1. Hyperscanning EEG and neuronal synchronisation

The development of hyperscanning EEG techniques has enabled researchers to investigate the neural basis of social interactions in more detail. Dumas et al (2010) conducted a pioneering study in which they analysed the brain activity of couples during spontaneous imitations of hand movements. Their results showed significant interbrain synchronisation in the mu, beta and gamma frequencies [1]. This synchronisation suggests a neural basis for the emergence of shared representations during social interactions.

In an applied context, Dikker et al (2017) used hyperscanning EEG to investigate neuronal synchronisation between students and teachers in the classroom. They found that higher synchronisation correlated with increased attention and engagement [2]. These findings underline the importance of neural synchronisation for effective communication and learning.

2. Intersubjective synchronisation in natural vision

Research into intersubjective synchronisation goes beyond controlled laboratory experiments. Hasson et al (2004) used fMRI to investigate neuronal synchronisation when watching films. They discovered that large parts of the cortex showed similar activation patterns in different viewers [3]. These results indicate a common neuronal basis for the perception of complex, natural scenes and provide insights into the development of shared visual representations.

3. Behavioural synchronisation and the ‘chameleon effect’

Synchronisation is not limited to neuronal activity, but also manifests itself in behaviour. Ramseyer and Tschacher (2011) investigated non-verbal synchrony in psychotherapy using automated video analysis. They found that a higher degree of movement synchrony between therapist and patient correlated with better therapy outcomes [4]. This underlines the importance of physical synchronisation for successful social interactions.

Chartrand and Bargh (1999) described the ‘chameleon effect’, in which people unconsciously imitate the behaviour, gestures and language style of their interaction partners [5]. This automatic mimicry promotes social bonding and facilitates interaction, which contributes to the emergence of shared behaviours and possibly also shared mental representations.

4. Social interaction vs. social perception

An important aspect of research into social cognition is the distinction between active social interaction and passive social perception. Schilbach et al. (2013) argue in favour of a ‘second-person neuroscience’ that investigates the neural mechanisms of direct social interaction [6]. This perspective emphasises that the processes involved in direct interaction may be fundamentally different from those involved in passive observation.

5. Bridging the gap between brain and behaviour

Linking neuronal activity and observable behaviour remains a central challenge in researching social interactions. Krakauer et al. (2017) argue for an integrative approach that combines behavioural experiments, computer simulations and neuroscientific methods [7]. This holistic approach could provide a deeper understanding of how neuronal synchronisation leads to shared behaviours and mental representations.

6. Interbrain synchronisation and communication

Research into interbrain synchronisation has provided important insights into the neural basis of successful communication. Stephens et al (2010) investigated the neural coupling between speakers and listeners during storytelling. They found that higher synchronisation between the brains correlated with better comprehension [8]. These results suggest that the emergence of shared mental representations is supported by neuronal synchronisation.

7. Cultural and development-related perspectives

Research on interbrain synchronisation has also considered cultural and developmental aspects. Mu et al (2018) found that individuals from collectivist cultures showed higher interbrain synchronisation during collaboration than those from individualist cultures [9]. This emphasises the influence of cultural factors on the neural basis of social interactions.

From a developmental psychology perspective, Reindl et al. (2018) investigated the interbrain synchronisation between mothers and infants. They found that synchronisation increased with the age of the children and correlated with the quality of mother-child interaction [10]. These findings highlight the importance of early social interactions for the development of neuronal synchronisation.

8. Technologically mediated interaction

In our digitalised world, the study of technologically mediated interactions is becoming increasingly important. Balconi and Vanutelli (2017) showed that significant neuronal synchronisation also occurs in spatially separated partners interacting via computers [11]. This suggests that the mechanisms of interbrain synchronisation are robust enough to function in virtual environments.


Research on human-human interaction and hyperscanning has provided significant insights into the neural and behavioural basis of the emergence of shared imagery. The observed synchronisation at the neural and behavioural level appears to play an important role in the emergence of shared imagery and meaning.

The results of this research have far-reaching implications for our understanding of communication, education, therapy and cultural transmission. They suggest that the formation of shared images and beliefs is a complex process that involves both neural and behavioural synchronisation and is influenced by cultural and developmental factors.

Future research could focus on how these findings can be used to develop more effective communication and education strategies, promote intercultural understanding and develop new therapeutic approaches. In particular, the study of technologically mediated interactions could be of great importance given the increasing digitalisation of our society.

The challenge remains to bridge the gap between neural activity and observable behaviour and to develop a comprehensive understanding of how shared images and representations emerge and evolve in social interactions. An integrative research approach that combines hyperscanning techniques with behavioural observations and computer-based models could be the key to a deeper understanding of these complex processes.


[1] Dumas, G., Nadel, J., Soussignan, R., Martinerie, J., & Garnero, L. (2010). Inter-brain synchronization during social interaction. PloS one, 5(8), e12166.

[2] Dikker, S., Wan, L., Davidesco, I., Kaggen, L., Oostrik, M., McClintock, J., … & Poeppel, D. (2017). Brain-to-brain synchrony tracks real-world dynamic group interactions in the classroom. Current Biology, 27(9), 1375-1380.

[3] Hasson, U., Nir, Y., Levy, I., Fuhrmann, G., & Malach, R. (2004). Intersubject synchronization of cortical activity during natural vision. Science, 303(5664), 1634-1640.

[4] Ramseyer, F., & Tschacher, W. (2011). Nonverbal synchrony in psychotherapy: coordinated body movement reflects relationship quality and outcome. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79(3), 284.

[5] Chartrand, T. L., & Bargh, J. A. (1999). The chameleon effect: The perception–behavior link and social interaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(6), 893.

[6] Schilbach, L., Timmermans, B., Reddy, V., Costall, A., Bente, G., Schlicht, T., & Vogeley, K. (2013). Toward a second-person neuroscience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36(4), 393-414.

[7] Krakauer, J. W., Ghazanfar, A. A., Gomez-Marin, A., MacIver, M. A., & Poeppel, D. (2017). Neuroscience needs behavior: correcting a reductionist bias. Neuron, 93(3), 480-490.

[8] Stephens, G. J., Silbert, L. J., & Hasson, U. (2010). Speaker–listener neural coupling underlies successful communication. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(32), 14425-14430.

[9] Mu, Y., Han, S., & Gelfand, M. J. (2017). The role of gamma interbrain synchrony in social coordination when humans face territorial threats. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(10), 1614-1623.

[10] Reindl, V., Gerloff, C., Scharke, W., & Konrad, K. (2018). Brain-to-brain synchrony in parent-child dyads and the relationship with emotion regulation revealed by fNIRS-based hyperscanning. NeuroImage, 178, 493-502.

[11] Balconi, M., & Vanutelli, M. E. (2017). Interbrains cooperation: Hyperscanning and self-perception in joint actions. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 39(6), 607-620.

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