ContentInhalt » ƒ » Content1. How is an Image Created in the Brain?1.1 Synchronisation as a Basic Principle1.2 First-Order Social and Neuronal Synchronisation1.3 Second-Order Social and Neuronal Synchronisation1.4 Third-Order Social and Neuronal Synchronisation1.5 AI-Enhanced Synchronisation Levels1.6 Computer Vision – How AI Learnt to SeeBrief History of Perception2. How can an Image be Created in a Resonant Space?2.1 Artificial Resonance Spaces2.1.1 The Intertwining of Resonance and Synchronisation2.2 Hyper Scanning: The Neural Basis of the Human-Human Interaction and the Emergence of Common Images2.3 Human-Human vs. Machine-to-Machine Interaction: A Comparative Analysis2.4 Human-Machine Interaction: The Emergence of Shared Visions and Imaginations2.5 The Centaur Model2.6 What is the Significance of Emergence, Entropy and Synchronization in Human-Machine Interaction?2.7 The Emergence of an Entity of Entropy: The Future Centaur Model and its Implications for Global Challenges3. The Vision of Distributed Superintelligence3.1 Distributed Superintelligence and the Future Centauren: A Human-GAN Model for Ethical and Participatory KI Development3.2 AI-Based Perspective Generation for Communities: Balancing Local Resonances and Global Challenges3.3 From Individualisation to Global Resonance: Transforming Reward Systems in the Age of AI-Supported Perspective Generation4. Human-AI Design for the 21st Century4.1 Modelling Social and Global Entropy Using the Example of the Worldwide Water Balance4.2 Indicator Selection and Weighting in the Human-GAN Model4.3 Future Scenarios of Coevolution4.4 Application of Social Entropy in the Context of a Human-AI-GAN Model for the Further Development of the Education System4.5 Ethical Safety Precautions in Human-GAN-Concept